
黃朝湖簡歷   1939年生於台灣,曾在美、韓、 英、法、澳、馬、台舉行30次個展,七 次獲得國際美展大獎。曾任國際美展、 全國美展、全省美展、大墩美展及十大 傑出青年評審委員,出版有6本畫冊、 10本著作,應邀參加國際美展一百多 次,現為國際彩墨畫家聯盟會長、亞洲 藝術科學院院士、美國普林頓大學榮譽 客座教授。 The Artistic Experience of Chao-hu Huang Chao-hu Huang was born on 1939 in Taiwan. He has 30 solo exhibitions throughout USA, Korea, United Kingdom, France, Australia, Ma l ays i a and Ta iwan. Huang has been awarded grand prizes for seven International Art Exhibitions. He has juried for International Art Exhibition, National Art Exhibition of The Republic of China, Taiwan Provincial Fine Arts Exhibitions, Da Dun Fine Arts Exhibition and Taiwan's Outstanding Young Persons Award. Huang is the author of ten books and has also published six catalogs of his paintings. He has been invited to participate in the International Art Exhibition for more than 100 times. Chao- hu Huang is currently the President for the Federation of International Tsai-Mo Artists, an Artistic Academician for the Asian Institute of Art and Science, and also an Honorary Visiting Professor for the American Purlinton University.