
3 The Art and Documents of Huang Chao-hu 感 恩 感謝雙親賜給我智慧、善良、純樸和勇氣。謝謝三位恩 師引導我邁向藝術之路。謝謝所有親友的支持和肯定。 My gratitude goes to my parents, who taught me to be a man of wisdom, good, purity and courage. I also would like to thank three important mentors—Lin Chih- chu, Lu Fo-tong and Li Jong-sheng, who guided me into art, and all my friends and relatives for their supports and recognitions. 父親寫書法 恩師林之助 知友著名畫家劉國松 慈祥雙親黃江、林純 恩師呂佛庭 知友著名畫家蕭 勤 黃朝湖嬰兒時親族照 恩師李仲生 韓籍妻子高蓮貞